
To use the HeakSketch– a Heatmap and session recordings tool, first you have to add your Domain to the HeatSketch.

  • To add your Domain to the HeatSketch, go to the Domain menu and then click on the New Button.
  • In the New Domain modal form, first, select your Domain Prefix.
  • Now fill out the form.
  • Before filling out the form read the instructions carefully. To get the instruction, hover your mouse over i sign.
  • Click on the Add button.
  • Instantly, the Modal form will be expanded with two other options– WordPress and Html. Now you have to select WordPress or Html options.

  • If you select the WordPress option, a modal will appear with some instructions on how to configure Wordpress based website and a Javascript code.
  • Read the instruction carefully and copy the javascript code.
  • Just follow the instructions step by step.
  • On the other hand, If you click on the Html option, a modal will appear with some instructions on how to configure Html based website and a Javascript code.
  • Read the instruction carefully and copy the javascript code.
  • Just follow the instructions step by step

  • You can delete the domain by clicking on the delete button.
  • You can edit domain settings by clicking on the edit button.
  • To get the embeded code, click on the script button.
  • To stop session recording, click on the pause button.