To use the HeakSketch– a Heatmap and session recordings tool, first you have to add your Domain to the HeatSketch.
- To add your Domain to the HeatSketch, go to the Domain menu and then click on the New Button.
- In the New Domain modal form, first, select your Domain Prefix.
- Now fill out the form.
- Before filling out the form read the instructions carefully. To get the instruction, hover your mouse over i sign.
- Click on the Add button.
- Instantly, the Modal form will be expanded with two other options– WordPress and Html. Now you have to select WordPress or Html options.
- If you select the WordPress option, a modal will appear with some instructions on how to configure Wordpress based website and a Javascript code.
- Read the instruction carefully and copy the javascript code.
- Just follow the instructions step by step.
- On the other hand, If you click on the Html option, a modal will appear with some instructions on how to configure Html based website and a Javascript code.
- Read the instruction carefully and copy the javascript code.
- Just follow the instructions step by step
Now click on the Back button and you will be redirected to the Domain page. And you will see that the domain has been added to the list of Domains.
- You can delete the domain by clicking on the delete button.
- You can edit domain settings by clicking on the edit button.
- To get the embeded code, click on the script button.
- To stop session recording, click on the pause button.